The Greatest Journey Of All Time And Beyond:
The Journey Of The Soul.



Here on this planet, our consciousness is often compacted into the physical form. It seldom pays attention to anything else. At the same time, some part within us says, "I know there's more out there." The part that looks can't see it. The part that listens can't hear it. The part that touches can't feel it. While none of our senses are aware of it, the part of us that is an extension of a greater beingness knows there is more than this physical existence.

We recognize that we may well be more than our physical body, more than our mind, more than our emotions, more than the imagination, and so on. We recognize that there is more going on than we can perceive with our physical senses. We recognize that we are part of a larger picture.

You come into this world, attempting to fulfill certain qualities within yourself, and you go about it in many ways.


But there is a prime directive that everyone works under: You are here to find out who you are, to find out where the Soul realm is and go there, and to have co-creative consciousness with God, the Supreme Father. This is your whole direction and purpose on this planet. This is where your satisfaction and your fulfillment lie. This is your spiritual promise.

So, that longing for peace and contentment that comes in times of discouragement can be the prod that helps you grow spiritually, for the peace you want is the peace of your own Soul.


The Soul (which is who you are) is a small, integral unit of energy, so beautiful that the whole cosmos and all the universes are contained within it. It is a prototype of all existence, complete in one energy unit. There is nothing that exists anywhere in the universes of which you are not a part, through the energy that is the Soul.

Every Soul comes out of God. Each of us has the essence of God within. That is the Soul, an essence of God

Soul is another way of saying "I am." It is the highest level of consciousness available on the physical level. The Soul is intelligence: it just knows. 


The Soul is that essence of each person that is a pure extension of God. The mind, emotions, and body are elements that the Soul has taken to itself in order to experience those levels of existence. In the course of your journey on Earth, it is possible for you to learn not to be held in bondage or restricted by your body, emotions, or mind. And when these lower levels are transcended, that which is left is Soul. Eventually, as the journey back to God continues, Soul will also be transcended, and there will be only God.

The job of the Soul, its reason for being, is to experience all it can on every level it can—thereby growing in awareness of its own divine nature. And the Soul that has experienced all is one with God. The Soul realizes that it has experienced all these other things, but has never really been any of them, that it has always been just what it is—a Soul, a part of God.

When the Soul starts turning toward its true home, the grip of the lower levels is loosened and falls away. As we attune to our Soul, we learn and grow in our awareness of God and are finally able to transcend the lower levels of consciousness and reach our home in Spirit.


There is only one method that will set you free and that is Soul Transcendence, to live here and discover the higher reality, to extend into that greater consciousness of Light, of love, of Sound—to be that. And to overcome this level, you must go into the level that can overcome it. That level is already within you. That level is the Soul.

The Sound Current is the audible energy that flows from God through all realms. The Sound Current is also the spiritual energy on which a person returns to the heart of God.

You travel by way of the Sound Current, the supreme energy force, which is also known as the Holy Spirit, the Unstruck Melodies of Spirit, or God’s Unspoken Voice. You ride the Sound Current back through the formlessness into the heart of God.

Initiation provides the link with the Sound Current...and then we follow that back through all the realms, into God. Students of Soul Transcendence are initiated through the Mystical Traveler Consciousness into the Sound Current, the audible stream of energy that comes from the heart of God.


The Mystical Traveler is a spiritual consciousness that exists throughout all levels of God’s creation. It resides within each person and is a guide into the higher levels of Spirit, the greater reality of God. The Traveler can assist you in clearing karma, and its work is done inwardly, on the spiritual levels. The Mystical Traveler’s job is to assist you in breaking free of all the blocks that stand between you and your full and complete awareness of the Soul level and the freedom of the Soul.

The Traveler channels the Light and the Sound Current and then rides on the Sound–and teaches you to do the same.

The Traveler Consciousness offers the “shortcut” into God-consciousness by direct alignment.

When you’ve touched the Traveler Consciousness, you’ve touched the supreme line of consciousness. The Traveler comes through with such a pure line of teachings that it reaches right out to the Spirit inside of you, and the teachings are imparted directly from Spirit to Spirit. That’s why it works so well. It’s not the Traveler’s spiritual form teaching your physical form. It is a transcendent process.