You are Soul; You are Divine:

What is a Soul? Do I have a Soul? What does that mean?

The Soul (which is who you are) is a small, integral unit of energy, so beautiful that the whole cosmos and all the universes are contained within it. It is a prototype of all existence, complete in one energy unit. There is nothing that exists anywhere in the universes of which you are not a part, through the energy that is the Soul.

Every Soul comes out of God. Each of us has the essence of God within. That is the Soul, an essence of God. Soul is another way of saying "I am." It is the highest level of consciousness available on the physical level. The Soul is intelligence: it just knows. 

The Soul is that essence of each person that is a pure extension of God. The mind, emotions, and body are elements that the Soul has taken to itself in order to experience those levels of existence. In the course of your journey on Earth, it is possible for you to learn not to be held in bondage or restricted by your body, emotions, or mind. And when these lower levels are transcended, that which is left is Soul. Eventually, as the journey back to God continues, Soul will also be transcended, and there will be only God.

The job of the Soul, its reason for being, is to experience all it can on every level it can -- thereby growing in awareness of its own divine nature. And the Soul that has experienced all is one with God. The Soul realizes that it has experienced all these other things, but has never really been any of them, that it has always been just what it is -- a Soul, a part of God.

When the Soul starts turning toward its true home, the grip of the lower levels is loosened and falls away. As we attune to our Soul, we learn and grow in our awareness of God and are finally able to transcend the lower levels of consciousness and reach our home in Spirit.