Your Journey of
Soul Transcendence

Next Steps on Your Journey

Start by joining the Soul Transcendence Network and signing up for “Soul Awareness Studies,” our primary course of Soul Transcendence study

Join Soul Awareness Studies Here

— STEP 1
Start practicing Spiritual Exercises
(chanting “Hu” and listening):
— STEP 2
Write a letter of intent to to study toward Initiation
— STEP 3
After at least two years of active Soul Awareness Studies, write to request Initiation into the Sound Current. There are four initiations you receive physically (in which a mantra is given) but all initiations primarily occur spiritually:
Causal, Mental, Etheric, Soul
— STEP 4

This is the Sanskrit symbol for Hu.

Hu is the ultimate highest sound. Spirit motivates all things.
The Sound created by the Spirit in its movement is the two tones H and U.

These two tones, one positive and one negative encompass every tone
and every sound that exist in the universe.

John-Roger, DSS

There Are Treasures Awaiting Your Discovery

In this lifetime, there are treasures awaiting your discovery. You may sometimes be unwilling to put in the effort to uncover the treasures, thinking that you can wait for later because it takes too much effort to claim them. It might help if you realized that you are in your "laters" now. Why put off discovering the treasures that are within you? You don't have to be a victim of time. You can get going right now and use time as an ally instead of an obstacle.

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